Transfrontier Cooperation in the Prespa/Ohrid Region in the NGO Sector

Project name: Transfrontier Cooperation in the Prespa/Ohrid Region in the NGO Sector

Target group: NGO’s in the region

Activities: Initiative for new Euro region composed of Korcha – Albania, Kozani (Prespa)-Greece, Ohrid – Resen – Bitola - Macedonia. In the frame of this potential (to-be) region important influence will have the NGO sector too. Meeting of NGOs from this region was organized in Greece. Building local capacities, environmental issues and culture were identified as most important topics for mutual work. These topics are worked out in more details to find points for mutual work in the future.

Project partners: Local authorities of Bitola Municipality (leading organization), NGOs from the future Euro region (Macedonia, Albania, Greece)

Location: Leimos, Prespa, Greece

Period: December 2002