1.   Kick-off meeting of the steering committee.

Initial meeting of the teachers meeting from Macedonia.

Development of joint action plan.

   4.   Exchange of students and staff.
- First exchange

-Second exchange


 Initial Meeting of responsible teachers, about the project 

Building Bridges Over Borders by using ICT and Project Based Learning

20.11.2001, ASUC "Boro Petrusevski", Skopje, Macedonia

At the beginning participants were introduced in the new regional project of IMOR, in which R.Macedonia is involved together with R.Albania. It is part of UNESCO’s project for linking of countries in the region. Aim of this project is creating communities that will be opened to learn about the culture of others.
Expected outcomes of the Project were discussed:
On-line collaborative project work of students and teachers from R.Makedonija and R.Albania.
Rise of cross-cultural awareness of bough countries.
Exchange of students and teachers.
Establishing 2 operational computer centres in both countries.

Then the Implementation Plan  of the Project was discussed and priority activities were defined:
      Training in the schools of bough countries;
  Exchange of students and teachers;
             Including of IMOR in UNESCO’s Web page;
             Expanding of the project, (in R.Bulgaria);
             Leadership opportunity in the region.
After that, Activities and Timeframe
  were discussed, and two phases of achievement were defined. After each of the phases, each of the participating schools should give a report. The deadlines for the reports were defined.

Special emphasis was given to defining of need of training  in IMOR schools. Few topics were suggested:
     I*earn forums
            On-line project work;
            Team work;
       WEB design.
About the evaluation of the Project, it was concluded that it was good to do it at local level (in each country) and to provide external evaluation.



                              Development of joint action plan

The first meeting of the participants in the project was realized in Republic of Albania in period from 26 to 28. 11. 2001. There were participating five representatives from Republic of Macedonia and five representatives Republic of Albania. First, a partner school in Tirana, American college Harry T. Fultz, was visited. Visitors from macedonia were presented with equipment and working conditions in the school. After that, participants traveled to Durus, where we were working according this agenda:

1.Presentation of the Project;
2.Selecting topics for work;
3.Production on action plan of activities;
4.Production on evaluation questionnaire;
5.Production on report questionnaire.

Mimoza Anastovska - Jankulovska, coordinator of the project from Republic of Macedonia, introduced participants with the goals of the project. She underlined activities in preparation of the project that should be realized as prior conditions for the project to be successfully realized.

  • All participators in the project have to open e-mail to the end of the next week
  • All materials for the project have to be sent on e-mail address:
  • All materials that will be sent have to have subject with the topic of the activity
  • Materials have to be sent into two languages (native language and English language) or three languages (native languages of two countries and English language)
  • Data and e-mail addresses of the participants in the project (students and teachers) have to be sent latest to 10.12.2001 on e-mail address:
  • Written materials have to be sent in the body of the message, without emphasis the use of the attachment (except for the specific message), and pictures to be sent in jpeg form.

Second discussion was proposing and establishing the possible topics for the work on the project. Participants proposed three topics: Teen life, Communication Technology and Our Environment. Only two topics were chosen because of the limited time of work.

  • Teen Life - love, music, parents, school, teachers, night life, drugs, books, holydays, religion, AIDS. For these topics we need to have different inputs accompanied with photos if possible, contribution and art work. If there is any uncertain please do ask.
  • Communication Technology - networks, Internet, computers, programming, news on CT, distance learning. For these topics we need to have different inputs accompanied with photos if possible, contribution and art work. If there is any uncertain please do ask.

Rada Mazganska, is chosen as coordinator for the first topic. Her e-mail address is: All contributions for this theme should be posted on, and

Enkeled Micaliy is chosen as coordinator for the second topic. His e-mail address is: All contributions for this theme should be posted on, and

Mimoza Anastovska - Jankulovska, coordinator on the project for Macedonia asked if there is a need of any trainings for the participants in the project in order programme activities to be more successfully realized. Participants considered that they are enough trained and they need no more training.

It has been decided that the first exchange will be held in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia in period of 10, 11, 12 January 2002. In Ohrid will participate 15 students and 2-3 teachers from each country.

Action plan of activities includes 18 week period, and were established and time-limited following activities:



Time of realization


IEC Prepared






Local training



Starting on-line

before 13.12.2001


First exchange



Second exchange


In this project will be elaborated reports of meetings and final report. Participators of working meeting elaborated questionnaire for project evaluation. 12 open questions were proposed and only 9 questions that will be in the questionnaire, were chosen:

1.What are the new things you have learned about neighbouring countries?
2.What are the similarities between the young people of both countries?
3.How did you overcome the differences you have found between you?
4.What difficulties did you experience in making new friends?
5.What have you gained from this project?
6.In what part of it you were most interested?
7.Have you ever participated in exchange? How?
8.How has this project impacted your life?
9.Give your ideas or topics for further cooperation with other Balcan countries?

The next day, on the working meeting was proposed and prepared questionnaire that will be used in final report:

1.What institution are you coming from?
2.Have you participated in (other) exchange before?
3.Would you like to have another exchange?
4.Are you interested in participating in follow up projects?
5.What was the most important part of project for you:

a)  IEC                                                 b)  exchange
c)  project on like work                        d)  making friends
e)  share ideas                                    f )  new experiences
g)  other experiences ___________

(  you can choose several options )

6.Did you learn something new about the neighbouring country?
7.Did you learn something new about the project on-line the work?
8. Did you learn something new about using ICT?
9.Would you like to involve your friends in the projects?
10.Has the project affected your opinion about the neighbours?
11.Did you expect difficulties in collaboration before the project?
12.Did you find difficulties during this project ?
13.Did this project fulfill your expectations?
14.In what country do you like to have another exchange with?
15.Did you find similarities between you and other participants:

a)  music                                                   b)  sports
c)  night life                                              d)  surfing on internet
e)  hobbies                                               f)  teen problems  
g)  other _________

(  you can choose several options )    

Photos from meeting in Albania

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