outcomes by February 28, ‘02
To identify 2 sites where Internet Educational
Centre (IEC) will be stationed.
Sites were identified during December ’01.
One IEC will be installed in Bitola, Macedonia. Second IEC will be installed in Tirana, Albania.
To secure at least 3 quotations for equipment
3 quotations were collected per country. Steering
Committee decided all equipment to be ordered from a vendor in
Macedonia, and afterwards, part for Albania to be exported there.
Equipment for IEC in Albania was delivered on February 8, ’02.
To prepare secure rooms for IEC in Macedonia and
Secure rooms are prepared to receive the equipment.
To install equipment in both IECs.
Both IECs are installed and opened. Openings
themselves in both countries were at the same time presentations
of the project. Parents, students, local authorities, NGO
community, media, were present. Secretary General of National
Commission of UNESCO for Macedonia officially opened IEC in Bitola,
Macedonia, at February 2, ’02. IEC in Tirana. Albania was opened
on February 27, ’02.
To train 4 trainers and staff per IEC in Macedonia
and Albania.
This activity has been completed at the end of
November ’01. www.imor.org.mk/programmes/bridges/events.htm
To train 2 persons to serve as technical staff to
maintain equipment in IECs.
In order to reduce on costs, technical staff that
will maintain equipment in IEC is not trained in the frame the
project. Substitution for staff are students involved in this
project who volunteered to maintain equipment in IECs. This is
more beneficial for the project in terms of sustainability.
To train 10 adults and 20 young people per country
how to use ICT and how to participate in on-line collaborative
To identify at least 2 joint on-line collaborative
projects in which youth from both countries will be participating
At the meeting of managing teams from both countries
held in Dures, Albania (November 26-28, ’01), 2 joint on-line
collaborative projects were identified (Teen Life and
Communication Technologies). Teen Life is co-ordinated by
Macedonian teacher (www.imor.org.mk/programmes/bridges/teenlife);
Communication Technologies is co-ordinated by Albanian teacher.
To organize 2 exchange (study) visits of youth and
staff to Macedonia and Albania.
First exchange was realized in January 10-12, (Ohrid,
Macedonia), and 43 students, teachers and staff from both
countries took part. (www.imor.org.mk/programmes/bridges/exchange.htm)
exchange was realized in the beginning of March (1-3, ’02, Ohrid,
Macedonia), with 52 students, teachers and staff from both
countries took part. It is important to stress that participants
from Bulgaria were present at this event. This was result of the
initiative undertaken in this project to involve more countries
and more youth, to spread the network across the region. (www.imor.org.mk/programmes/bridges/exchange.htm)
To organize final gathering which will serve for
dissemination of experiences to the community, and to plan joint
activities in the future.
This activity isn't done yet.
To establish network of youth and adults that will
cherish cross-cultural understanding gained in this programme
(project) between 2 nations.
Network of youth and adults that will cherish cross-cultural
understanding gained in this programme (project) between 2 nations
is established and it is expected that it will be extended more
than it was expected. This network is extended in Bulgaria.
Initial contacts were made and Bulgarian participants were present
at second exchange. Commitment is made to spread the network in
other Balkan countries.