Hi there,
I arrived in Albania I told to my family and to my friends for the
beautiful days I have passed in Macedonia. And I hope I will return
again. Thanks for everything!
Balla, student, Albania
I'm SMILEING :):):):)
First of all I want to thank EVERYBODY for making this exchange
happen and all of you who were in Ohrid. I mean I had a lot of fun,
I HAVE NEW FRIENDS that I will never forget cause I have a part of you
all IN MY HART. And about the education???? I've learned a lot about
Albania, their culture, teen night life, their religion, the people
there and other stuff. And it will take at least 3Giga Bytes of text
for me to describe the experience that I had back there. I'm sorry
that I have to be so short cause I have a lot of work here. Gotta go
the 3D Studio is waiting for me.
to you ALL and See ya LATER Okay:)
Kacanski, student, Macedonia
I’m Emal. I past a beautiful weekend in Macedonia. I enjoyed it a
lot. I returned home a little bit exhausted but I did some hours
sleeping and everything was Ok. It was a perfect organization.
Macedonian people offered us hospitality and it was great.
you soon
Konomi, student, Albania
difficult to believe, well, that’s how it happened. Well, my
desire to study in Harry.T.Fultz has been so great, but I must
confess that the possibilities to pursue this school didn’t lack
me. Telling the truth I speak and write English very well. But one
thing that hurts me so much was unknowing how to use the computer.
Till I participate in this exchange, working with computers seems
much little interesting and never concern me. But this workshop gave
me the possibilities of learning more about computers. Passing the
time, the curiosity of learning more about this machine with a ´´
superhuman´´ capacity, revived in me. Really I learned many
necessities things, for example: how to work in Internet, how to
search for required information, how to open or to attach a material
from Microsoft Word. But the most beautiful part is coming now…,
now that my teacher gave me the opportunities to participate in an
exchange during those three days in Macedonia (Ohrid). Everything
was a miracle, the warm welcome, the organization, and the help
giving. Everything happened there is fixed in my mind and it’s
going to be harder to forgot them. One of the most important part on
this exchange was the Macedonian contemporary accompaniment. We
can’t deny their high-level preparation even their friendship and
collaboration they offer to us during those days in Macedonia. I
realized, independently the Nation we descended, the language we
speaks the life we did, our ideas and our opinions are the same. I
have to say that this workshop gave me a lot of satisfaction, but in
the same time it was really rewarding because it gave me the
possibilities to improve my work with computers. It also help me
improving my speaking English (from conversations) and my writing
(during the work in groups). I have to say that between us born a
close and sincere friendship. At the end, I must say: This
magnificent experience means a lot for me. It offers me a greater
possibilities thanks of, my collaboration and my responsibility.
Once and for good the exchange verify, not only the Albanian and
Macedonian youth, but all the youths around the world share the same
opinions, wishes, even we believe in different faith, even we belong
other nations, other continents. They will be always together and
nothing can hurdle them. Indeed they will sweep all borders and show
the politicians that borders didn’t make a place ´´strong´´
and ´´healthy´´.
Progri, student, Albania
name is Gledia. I'm one of the girls in the Albanian's group. I
think that now you remember me. In this e-mail I want only to thank
you. I want to thank you for inviting us. You all were so kind and
so friendly. You made to us a friendly reception. I remained very
impressed by you. You all did a very good work. Being patient and
kind with others is sometimes difficult but is the best. This was
the first time for me to have an experience like this and a passed a
very good time that. I'm not going to forget anymore. Also we were
informed about Macedonia life in general. And it’s so good to know
how our friends of another country live, what they do in their life,
what are their aims or goals, etc…. We learned new things and
especially we learned how to enter in new friendships and what kind
of behavior should we take. We also improved our English and why it
was a little barrier for us. To know new things, to create new
friends, or to learn more is what the youth want, and they are very
interested in this fields. I hope I'm clear in this e-mail. I write
it because I had e very good time there and that now makes a part of
my present lifetime.
Shehu, student, Albania
we first started the trip to Macedonia I was a little worried about
my communications skills. I had a bad feeling that I would be not
able to communicate with my new friends. When we arrived there I was
more relaxed. When the time to meet them arrived I was preoccupied
but thanks to the program breaking ices it was very easy to know
them. It was a very fanny thing I enjoyed it very much. When we new
each other it was very easy to communicate with them and everything
went OK. When we were working together in the group works I so that
we had the same music preferences and the same ideas about the
problems. One thing to say is that they were very friendly and I
passed a very good time there and I hope to participate to another
exchange because it was a beautiful experience.
think this is the best international experience I’ve ever had.
There are so many things I would like to talk about in this project.
We met a lot of new people (cool) that had the same ideas with me.
People I didn’t now that in Macedonia would exist. All of the guys
in the project are like European teenagers. We like the same music
or movies etc. I enjoyed also the e-mails. Most of the e-mails were
very interesting. But there were also a lot of formal writings.
There were guys that took the information directly from the web and
send it. This was something I didn’t enjoy. And the best
experience surely that is meeting the Macedonian guys. I really
enjoyed staying with the Macedonian guys. And I enjoyed playing
guitar with all those people.
else I didn’t like was diverting talking about religion or symbols
from our countries. I think there is no problem talking about all
these things that can’t make us one against the other.
Alicka, student, Albania
first exchange was great. It was a perfect organization from the
Macedonian side. People were very friendly. I improved my English
and this was my first experience. I enjoyed it. I made a lot of
friends and had lots of fun too. I want to take part in the second
Konomi, student, Albania
in the project “Building bridges over borders” was a great
experience for me. This was the first time I participate in such
workshop, and I think we should organize many other workshops and
meetings like this one. Thanks the organizers every thing was well
organized almost perfect. The Macedonian’s people were so kind and
gentile always ready to help us. This workshop also helps me in
improving my English. Now I feel more comfortable with it.
Participating in this project gave me the possibility to meet new
friends, to know more about their nightlife, their culture and
tradition, customs. More or less we share the same lifestyle and
traditions. I think
that this project has realized his goal, to build bridges over
borders. And this is too nice.
the following section will be given some answers on questions that
are asking what are the things students learnt, shared, gained from
the project. This can be the easiest way to present their attitude
towards project activities, and the achieved outcomes.
have learnt some new words, some facts about their educational
system, their culture and ways of behaviour.
-Their country is alike ours.
learnt about their religion, hobbies, customs and traditions.
-I learnt that if you want friendship with your neighbors you have
to accept the difference of cultures.
-I known that people from Albania don’t like borders like me too.
have many common things. We are interested in many some isues. I
realy did not expect to be like that.
-They are full with life and they look forward to make friends.
-We all want to create, and we had the same teen problems.
-Being from different countries doesn’t mean that we should be
different. We are at the same age and we have same ideas.
-In the beginning we were shy but with the passing of time we became
more friendly.
-I have gained new friendship and many points of views.
-Experience. Friends. Knowledge – things that I belive are very
important for our future carier what ever it is.
-I have gained new information about ICT.
-Lots of friends.
-We can build Bridges over borders very easily with our neighbours
through communication.
-I relised that teenagers in the world are the same.
-Some words at Albanian and Macedonian language.
-That nothing is like you imagine it.
-Positively, because it has opened some doors of my future, and
I’ve gained experience on project work, and explored possibilities
of ICT.
-It make me happy.
-I belive that one day people in the Balkan will live in country
with out borders.
- I want in the future to cooperate with other representation of all
the Balkan countries and the learning program must be more vital.
- The next topics in on-line collaboration may be OPEN
- Topic: We young people are the future of this world please gather
us together. We all can make world better.
- I want to go on holiday together.
- There can be organized summer or winter camps somewhere on the
mountain or sea.
- Initializing a debate forum. First with subject that will be
discussed on the Internet (e-mail or programs lake mIRC32) and then
gathering participants from many Balkan countries together in order
to debate “in live”.
provided young people with all necessary resources they need for
research and on-line collaborative project work. Additionally, IECs
are very convenient to be used for preparations for everyday school
obligations students might have. Now, there is no need for them to
use their personal computers. They have possibility to use the IEC
for communication with other project participants, and remote peers.
IECs are open throughout the day. Teachers are using the IECs for
their professional development, preparatory work for teaching, as a
communication tool, for training, for project work, and for research
purposes. These centers are opened for parents and NGO community, so
they are becoming resource centers for youth.
he is looking forward on making more new friends. He is using his
free time on reading e-mail messages and writing messages for the
project Building Bridges over Borders by using ICT and Project Based
Learning. He is very happy about the second exchange. We hope that
everything will be perfect just like you imagined the exchange.
luck and have a nice time.
and Miroslava Torteski, parents, Skopje, Macedonia
parent of Aleksandar Nikolovski. My son is included in the project
“Building Bridges over Borders by using ICT and PBL”.
a parent I’m pleased too because his pleasure is big. I want to
stress that all his free time he is passing in making new
friendships as in the country as from neighboring countries.
Enlargement of the awareness for similarities and differences with
other cultures in countries, the way of using ICT, parties, and the
way he make friends.
is the one who should show how to live together, how to create
friendships and respect, how to cross borders.
will be happier parent if this kind of cooperation and projects will
continue between more and more neighboring countries.
Nikolovska, parent, Bitola, Macedonia
as parents of Goran Nikolov want to say something about our son’s
participation in the project “Building Bridges over Borders...”.
We, as a parents are very satisfied of this project because Goran
acquired a lot of preferences participating in it. As example we
will mention the learning. He learned a lot of things, so we will
count some of them. As first he enlarged his knowledge about
computers. He improved his working with e-mail, his Internet surfing
even and his web design. He improved his English. He is studying
English at school, but practicing he learned it better. Except this
he learned a lot of words in Albanian and a lot of its history,
culture, tradition…
at last, he met a lot of people and he got a lot of new friends,
what is great.
we agree with pleasure our son to participate in this project and in
other similar projects.
& Olgica Nikolovi, parents, Kocani, Macedonia
son Jane Kacanski told us that he and his friend Dejan Boskov are
going in Ohrid to be a part of some project from iEARN - Macedonia.
We didn't know what for is he going in Ohrid. So when he returned he
had some other opinion for the neighbouring countries. He told us
what was going on in Ohrid. As far as we know, he was working in
groups together with his new Albanians friends. He told us about the
tasks that they worked there. Told us about the dictionary.
now knows more about their religion, culture etc. He knows about
these things, because he was together with his fellow Albanians. He
has a different opinion about the Muslim religion. He knows that it
doesn't matter in what we (or them) believe. What is important is
our and their future to be the guiding light.
Kacanski, Blagica Kacanska, parents, Skopje, Macedonia
would like to say that my daughter has really gained a lot from this
project. It has influenced her in many ways. First of all her
English has really picked up during the training in Macedonia. Also
using the Internet and the online communication is very important
for her and her future career. Furthermore, making friendships
outside the country have influenced her way of thinking.
Musabelliu, parent, Tirana, Albania
Gledia’s mother and I’m going to tell you something of my
opinions of the Macedonia activity. At first this is the best
project that my daughter has assist in. Building Bridges Over
Boarders has a lot of positives effects. Youths of different
countries meet new friends and in this way they don’t hate each
other. Because they say that I hate Albania for example and I hate
the Albanians too. They say it without basing in something, without
knowing Albania and create a bad image, only by listening what the
others say. I think that this is eliminated because they know better
each other, and then they don’t have reason to hate each other. I
think so. They are youth and they have approximately the same ideas
or problems like all the youths have. I saw this thing at my
daughter. She returned very energetic from Macedonia and very happy.
She talked a lot about Macedonian people, about the staff of the
training, how well did she passed the time there, etc… . She
sometimes says some Macedonian words as dobro vecer, dobro utro.
also has made a new experience, has improved her English and has
known how to be adapted in a new friendship, or how to communicate
with other people. In general this activity has improved my
daughter’s life.
Shehu’s mother, Tirana, Albania
think that Building bridges over borders is a good project and I am
very happy that my child took part in it. Because it improved his
communication skills and he learned many new things about the
neighbour country that in this case is Macedon. Another positive
thing is that they made an exchange and learned many things about
the 2 countries. A very important thing that makes me very glad was
that they were exchanging their opinions throw Internet by using
e-mails and I think that this is very positive because they learn
new things about computers and Internet. So I think that in the
future they have to make more projects like this because they help
Balkans countries to have a future without war and to live in peace.
Tirana, Albania
think my son has changed since he came from Macedonia. He spoke me
about everything he did there. Surely he was so exciting about this
new project. I think it’s very difficult to take the
responsibilities of this project. Of making friends from a nation
that yours is in war. I really appreciate this project and
everything your doing not only for making friends between to nations
but for what your doing for my son. Now he knows what does it mean
to be from Balkans. And he knows very how difficult is your mission.
I see that my son is being very interested in this project not only
because there two different nations but he’s making a lot of
friends. I really like it that my son has several friends and I like
it that my son is being engaged in a project that has big
responsibilities. And that’s all I think about this project.
Alicka’s father, Tirana, Albania
December I saw some changes in my son Belind. Since he participates
in the project “Building bridges over borders” now he cares more
about his computer and his English. Also he has learned more things
about computers and now he speaks English very good. I participate
in the meeting in Albania in “Harry T. Fultz” school. I am very
proud that he participates in this project. I saw the hard work that
the students and their teacher did and it was very big. I hope that
in the future these schools will continue this project and start
other projects.
Kellici’s, parent, Tirana, Albania
my girl being so involved with this project makes me happy. Even
before the first exchange she was enthusiastic and after it she was
really looking forward for the next one. I think that this gave her
something and took a good place in lots of things…after it I would
really say that she has improved a little English and her way of
expressing and presenting herself to others, she came with different
opinions after getting to know more about the neighboring countries,
and a great think for her...she made new friends. Now she has new
views and thinks more about the future... I think that this
experience changed something in her. In my opinion this kind of
events should be realized more often, that is for the good of the
youth, of the ones that are the future of this world to be prepared
in making changes for the best, for finding that way that’s the
one that could surround this world full of peace. So let those
children feel better in cooperating and working together with no
differences between them in walking to the future …TOGETHER!!!
Andoni, parent, Tirana, Albania
that was not planned, but it is achieved is the awareness raising of
school administration and management of the idea of this project,
its importance and importance of using ICT in achieving it. In
favour of this speaks one experience shared from one of the trainer
just wanted to report that thanks to the training I am conducting in
my school "8-mi septemvri" within the project "Building
Bridges over Borders by using ICT and PBL" I got several
computers, modem and Internet access. It was not planned at all.
This is very big step for us, not only within the project, but also
for other teachers who have shown interest in computer and Internet
literacy. I started pessimistically, but now I have hope. Something
like this have never happened before.
from Natali.
Trajkovska, teacher, Macedonia
working on the project "Building bridges over borders"
from the very beginning as a coordinator for on-line project
"Teen life". I love my work on this project because it
gives possibility to learn more about the neighbor country, Albania,
and its culture and habits, to visit the neighbor country, to create
friendship and to take part in making our world a better place to
During the work we have had many meetings when we have had
activities that made us too close. All of us have spirit of humanity
among each other and we both want to build bridges between the two
The teachers and youth from these two countries keep in touch all
the time working on-line projects "Teen life" and
"Communication technologies". We share our ideas and
improve our knowledge for computers and communication technologies.
I had a chance to meet a colleague who teaches physics like me. We
have exchanged our experience in work, teachers’ books, which we
use, and we stay all the time in on-line contact.
There have been many pleasant events in this collaboration over
borders that makes us understand each other, build tolerance and
love among each other.
Rada Mazganska teacher, Macedonia
this project indirectly benefited NGO community. They are now a bit
more aware about the importance and power of ICT. Therefore,
agreements for collaboration between iEARN Macedonia and NGO
community are about to be drafted. That will be mainly in the field
of providing ICT services, and training to other NGOs and schools in
the country and in the region.
interestingly, discussions that were taking place on forum created
for this project, intrigued participants from other countries. For
example, subscriber in the list is The Federation of Environmental
and Ecological Diversity for Agricultural Revampment and Human
Rights - (FEEDAR & HR), from CAMEROON. This was very interesting
experience for us and probably for them too. It can be concluded
that, this project crossed not only borders in Balkans, but also
crossed over sees and oceans to reach remote peers.
idea was to bring in the project more countries. Youth also
expressed interest in inviting more countries to join in. Therefore,
project team made efforts and bring in one more Balkan country. At
the second exchange participants from Bulgaria were present speaks
for itself that project is not ending after the ending of financial
support. It is expected that participants from other Balkan
countries will join our discussions taking place on our forum and
share their perspectives with us.
assessing sustainability of the projects there are many aspects that
can be addressed. One is that equipment installed in IECs is
insured. Next is that initial network extension within the NGO
community is established. But the most important thing is sustaining
of network. Fact that, students are now very much keen of further
co-operation so, they are exploring possibilities to organize
gathering during summer in Albania or in Macedonia. This speaks how
much youth is empowered and how significant follow-up activities can
be done, or network extension expected.