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Interactive Education and Resource Network

Leading organization Civic Association
"Interactive Education And Resource Network"

Overall objective

To contribute in building information management capacities of youth from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro as a part of their collaboration while exploring opportunities, and perspectives in their countries, and Balkan region aiming to foster dialogue, and ethnical tolerance by using ICTs.

Specific objectives

- To train young ICT specialists how to reach out communities that are out of the access zones;

- To associate young people to the information flow modalities and information and source verification;

- To initiate the process of creation of information management in problem areas in the participating countries/provinces;

- To outreach groups that were/are under pressure in the post-conflict regions using information structures and to contribute of flow of relevant and correct information;

- To contribute fostering dialogue, and ethnical tolerance through exchange of practices in zones of conflicts;

- To develop ICT and web based content in order to share results;

- To organize Internet conference on information management including international community;

- To collect and publish on Internet events, activities and different agendas undergoing in the region that are in relation to this initiative;

- To organize exchange of ideas, materials, content, youth and staff;

- To rise awareness about problems youth are facing dealing with lack of accurate information, and to explore ways for improving the situation by using ICTs;

- To establish a regional network of youth and educators from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro that are cherishing values gained in this project and disseminate them to broader community.


Target groups

- Youth from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.

- Educators from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.



- Young people from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.


- Educators from Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.

- Communities in the environments where this project will be active and wider after dissemination.