
article 2

Objectives of the organisation are:


  • To encourage and help the youth of all colectives and communities in the country, the Balcan and on an international level with mutual work to strengthen the human rights, democracy, multiethnical understanding and tolerance, cross-border collaboration and all other ways of cooperation between youth.
  • To encourage and help the youth of all colectives and communities in the country, the Balcan and on an international level with mutual work to strengthen the human rights, democracy, multiethnical understanding and tolerance, cross-border collaboration and all other ways of cooperation between youth.


  • To encourage the youth from all countries to learn and work together using computer and communication technologies, to  strengthen world peace and to take an active place in solving global problems concerning the world.
  • To develope friendly relationships between young people of all nations based on the principle of equal rights and the peoples self determination.
  • To work independently and cooperate with other organizations and intitutions to improuve the life of members of marginalized groups and handicaped people, in the country and abroad.
  • To improuve and ingourage human rights and basic fredom for all, despite gender, rase, language, culture and religion.
  • To help victims of domestic violence and support their social integration.
  • To incourage and help established a bridge between education and community , with and accent on including of all interested parts of the educational process.
  • To include the marginalized groups in the education and on-line project work.
  • To help with the identification and sharing, diffrent, but complementary experiences in the education, academic and other national organization with support of the educational infrastructure and tradition through the world.
  • To share educational and outers resources with high quality available in different  IMOR centers.
  • To provide global infrastructure in educational network open for all whose concept of based on action.
  • To share a telecommunication technology educational methods and other resources with youth organizations, schools or individuals who wants to archive IMOR goals.
  • To help with establishing of programs for training and support in each global center.
  • To whidden the network of financial and operational support of IMOR centers through the world.
  • To work with organizations that accept many programs, academic, university and non-profit organizations and governments to establishe global community of concerned organizations and citizens with goal to support the youth in the world with development and implementation of educational and humanitarian projects, especially projects meant for the good of the human kind and prosperity on the planet.
  • To develop and support high quality educational innovations.
  • To encourage the integration of computer and communication technologies for the everyday educational process
  • To help in enabeling an aproach to Internet of teh marginalized groups and handicapped people.


прирачник за граѓанско општество


IMOR offers materials / resources prepared by IMOR and iEARN that can be used for professional development with designation of ownership. To access the materials you need to login / register.


IMOR and its members offer training, support and expertise in many areas.
Trainings are designed for students, young and adults.
Inform yourself about the areas of training that IMOR offers connecting the following link.


Interactive Education and Resource Network Association IMOR offers a wide range services in the field of IT, communication technologies and multimedia, project-based learning, formal and informal education, professional and career development, human resource management, organization management, project management, research engineering and consulting services.