The future in our eyes

Future. The future is something uncertain and unexpected. We are making our future. For someone the future is very brutal and for someone is just like in the fable. The future is something that we can change ( for better or worse). Talking about the future on the Balkan is something very sensitive. In the Balkan must exist understanding between all people, without differences of the nationality, pole and religion if we want to have future on Balkan. For all misunderstandings we must find peaceful solutions without the interventions and the influence from outside. That is the most important thing . The things are happening on the Balkan and must be decided on the Balkan. The future on the Balkan depends of many factors. The most important factor is the man, because he starts everything and he can find solutions for everything.

Dimitrievski Blagojce 16 YEAR SSMS "Dr-Jovan Kalauzi" Bitola

To try to see the future, first I'll look back in the past. In fact, I'll talk about the 20th century. I think that I won't be wrong if I say that the human as the only destroyer of the nature his biggest destruction power in fact has managed in the 20th century. On every possible field of human life, he, looking on his part in the society, he, alone by him self is destroying his own future. On first place, I'll put the human cult for GREEN NATURE, witch every person has put on second plan because of just one goal. And that is witch country to role with the world on every possible point of view. No matter if that is on the point of war abilities, on tehnology point of view, or on economical and scientific side of looking the things. They are all fighting for world domination, but in that war nobody has on mind that he is destroying the nature, infact that hi is destroying the prize he is fighting for. It's not said for nothing " There is no winner in the war". Maybe they will win on financial point because they'll get all the nature treasures from the country that they will put under their own rules, but he doesn't knows that he is testing new weapons and new war technology and with that he is just more and more destroying the planet. The people, blind up from the war between each other, don't see what they have already made. From my point of view I have a few suggestions with which, I think that every person who has saved his mind will agree with my opinion. As first, the only fear that I have inside of me is the fact that "the world strongest countries" have so big nuclear power with which they can destroy the Earth hundreds of times. That is not so frightening as the fact that all that power is pointed at diferent parts of the planet. I excuse my self for my language, but that is a very stupid thing made by "the world greatest minds". By that, to say that I can see the future, I mean, to visualize the future of the planet, a big part will have the destruction of the nuclear bombs. But, not in the true meaning of the word destruction. They can still exist, but not on the planet. They can surcle in its orbit, or on the Moon, pointed to the space, because the real danger is coming from the space. From one side danger, but from another a new field for the science to explore and technology to upgrade. Before all, i think on some kind of a flying object which will have ability to cary on it a bigger number of crew and which will have ability to leave this sun system and to go in a mision to find new worlds, to see with his eyes the things which today are looking over the teleskops, to se and to find out what goods can find the human race in that strange new world. i think that i was very clear and that every peardon can understand the way how i'm looking at the future and that what i want to see in the future. And that’s the world peace between all people, without the diference of nationalities and the colour of their skin, between the people there should be tolerance and understanding, to stop from making war armor that works only with the power of Earth gravity, not to go very far with the robots because there always is a posibility that they will think that their creater is their enemy. Because of that, i'm saying that the people sholud open wide their eyes before they made some mistakes that noone can repair. i'm not saying that i'm againts the progres of science and technology. In fact, i'm for it, but till some point, till its not created the posibility of disepearing of the human race.After that, everything will be late. That’s everything that i have to say, that’s everything that i look in the future as a posibility to have future.

Mentour: Wrote: prof. Dragica Golcovska

Andrej Matevski A3a dsgu Zdravko Cvetkovski - Skopje Macedonia

Future, what an interesting subject to talk about. It reminds me at many science fiction movies I've seen. I just love that kind of films, because they give the picture of the life beyond XXI century. And then after all those seen movies I start thinking about the life, the real. Compared with the one on the movies, maybe there's a little bit of truth in the movies about the future of the civilisation. But one thing is sure that it is going down and down. You wonder why , don't you? I'll tell you: My views of our near future are black. I mean really black. I don't know why but I think that the main reason about it, are the things which are enforced by the society. The people are under a lot of pressure, the young people and the old ones too. Growns are occupied with their jobs, they have too low care about us, the youngsters. Their main core is how to earn money. Money, Money. But Why? The Money should not be our life target, they should be used just for our existence. Money shouldn't be the main thing in our lifes, they should only be used for living.So the consequences are big, enormous: a lot of young lifes are lost, as the time pass a lot of youngsters are smoking, taking drugs, drinking alcohol. Is there a future for them?Not only this problem, I think that because of the destroying and polluting of environ----ment a lot of species of animals will die. Because of the irrational usage of the water the supplies will be decreased. I think a lot of people will be thirsty, and starved so they'll start robbing old people, young people, they'll sell their bodies to other people. Even though this things happen I think that it will be very frequent sight on the future. The enormous overreacted cutting of the woods will make the air more polluted than ever and the production of OXIGEN will be 0 (zero). How will be going to survive? If we start thinking about the other effects for that we'll doing now, maybe our future life will be better than this one, I mean more easy, healthy and happy. Why can't we do something?

Naumovska Marina 2-v farmacevtski tehnicar DSMU "D_r Pance Karagjozov" - Skopje

The day leave’s trail in our eyes.Day like day, passed with the speed of the wind and divert in the one corners points of the history.It was a day which was counted between the dream and reality, history and future.But, where the future was rising, where was her whilr where rises the thought which give birth to ideal? A handful of ground, the field where the day is feeding.The field on which ferment countless flames which imagine some ideal captured in the future. I found me, in her, I found my wishes which was following me all my life, I meet our old mother, our countru on the crossroad of her existing.But now she was without her strong ozone.She was completely destroyed.She was crying for her old unique look.Her courage was hiden in her soul, but now she yearn after her wound’s.Man, his negligent rises more than nis humanity.He is flare up with his ideals to creat something ideal and unstopable, and forgot his flame of life.Numberless codes flying through the sky.Now there are no more those blue colours in the sea which was twinkle through the skiest dome.It was a domination of the dark colour, of something dark, foggy, something which was border with hell.New invention of the brain, now they change human essence of being.There is no more softness on the human skin, there is only layer which protect human body from assault’s and irration.Cruel iayer as mail. Love become a sign which was mention only in legends.Everything was under the layer of cold, those indeferent, those which was diferent from the former man. The world was going forward to technics,science, achievment, but going backin the past in the sence of the true man and desire to get in the essence of ideal life.Years counted the time until perfection, but the sand watch, only the point’s until the day, when we will detach our fate.

Sekulovska Ivana

Hi my name is Pande, and I'm from Macedonia. My teacher suggested me to write something about this project, so my vision about our future to the Balkan is not too much optimistic. We all know that the Balkan has always been one of the most tense area in Europe. The most important reason for that is the fact that, lot of various nationalities can not coexist on a small piece of lend. The many battles and wars were responsible for the destruction of the indystry which is why the indystrial development, and development of everyting will occure at a reduced rate. Unless all of the nationalities will find a common goal and a common language to work together, to coexist peacefuly, the Balkan will always be years behind the other modern developed countries and because of that we must cooperate between ourselves to have beter future.

The future in my point of view

The future. Extremely wide topic with lot of questions unasked. Questions that we ask ourselves many times a day, but questions in only we can guess the answer. So, I will try to tell you the future in my point of view.Computers. We will all agree that our future lies in the computers, whether it's really great or it's really not. This comes from the sayings of lot of scientists who foresee that one day the computers will have their own minds and with their frequency in the world they will rule it and they will be the ones who will have the power. But, these are their thoughts. Mine thoughts, one way or the other, are similar to theirs, but very different. I thing that, before we see their bad side, we should first look the benefit and than talk about them. I mean in entering the computers in everyone's home the ways of communications will be so simple and so easy then ever. We will be able to find anyone we need in just a fraction of time. But not just that. They will be used in a lot of sciences like: medicine, for finding the cure for lot of incurable diseases, biology, for finding the genetic code and discover all about us, etc. They will be the best way to learn and explore in the schools, creating an educational system where and in wich everybody will like to participate. In medicine especially for creating clones, for organs that can be donated etc. Also the environment will come cleaner. Everybody will drive cars. And vehicles that run on electricity guided by the computers. With that will be stopped the destruction of the ozone layer and help maintenance the green in our planet. That system of computer will enlarge every day, helping mankind in any day that's possible. It will enlarge and enlarge and one day it will overtake it's top. Than after this maybe then it will rule the world in any way it wants. But if that happens it will be for about 100 to 200 years maximum. But if that doesn't happen the only thing that we will have to be terrified of, if we are alive, it's the life from the other planets. It's the UFO.

Gigovski Goce 2a Zaben tehnicar - DSMU "D-r Pance Karagjozov

The future in our eyes can be interpreted in many ways and beliefs. The future is very encouraging and optimistic for us-young people who are guided by optimism towards new challenges and knowledge. In the computerisation era, edukation, learning, meeting many new information challenges gives hope for great perspektiv of the young people. With these cognitions,the future in our eyes looks a lot better than the future of past generations,which did not have these opportunities for improvement inknowledge and learning, as have in the new millennium.

Preipering by: Orhan Serifi Mentor: Ilievska Borka SCCS ' Zdravko Cvetkovski '

I can see the future in my eye’s only if I turn back and look in to the mirror of the past. The reflection of that mirror tell us about the future, this reflection is created by some special kind of light, created by some expiriens of the past. In that past are the rezones, and in the future in front of us are the consequences that are going to cause new rezones new consequences. To write about the future is like to dream about something that you want with out regrets. To be a human means to be a dreamer to wish, to hope and to stud up. The human is the creators of his own destine, and we are responsible for everything that is happening or not happening to us. With dream we can influent on the future, to change or be changed. Imagine one moment, remind your self-many times, with that you will inspire and motivate the reality, to the current reality. With this I don’t thing that the moments are fluting in some concept, but I thing we are the creators of the concept. If you don’t sexed in creating of your concept, that is not a feilior, that is the test for yours will which comes from yours hard. So let’s get back to the dreaming for the future, make the dreams light, bright, and don’t forget to dream more really.

Jovan Andevski DUSO “Braka Miladinovci” Skopje, Macedonia Mentors: Suzana Miteska , Elena Mladenovska - Jelenkovik

We are students in State Secondary School for Civil Engineering Zdravko Cvetkovski - Skopje Republic Macedonia What would I change ? Inevitability of the time in which we live is to out run all the challenges and old methods and to achieve coordination and control with the needs of the modern world. In that way we should ask the question of any kind of transformation in the education in our society. The principles what we have are a mechanic reproduction of the knowledge in direction educator- student, without big part of the student. That way the student is in a passive situation as a listener with a small concentration and interests for the classes. Here is also the fact that show sort of classes are boring, with no dynamic and its impossible the professor to be active in the class, so the students can't easily learn the lectures. This codem of methods manufactures a sort of champagne learning, the student learns only to get a better grade in time of the grading, what means inconstantly. In this way of realization the professors can't make the right conclusion of the grading. There is now possibility for the student to be active during the classes and it can't bring untwist and fear which are bad influence in the learning. Because of this reasons I am for reforms in the education system, in which the part of the student would be bigger. If we have on mind that in our education all system the students are learning many unnecessary things, there should be a strict restriction of that what is important, and that what is as a choice of the student. IN this way the student can choose the subject which he is interested, in so the quality would be bigger. The characteristic distance which exist between professor- student should be reduced as to reach the level of matural trust.

DSGU Zdravko Cvetkovski Skopje Procure: Stanisavlev Mile Mitev Pance : Mentors: Varoslieski Mile Tanevska Silva

For me, the time in which I live is perfect. Around me there is everything that I wish: peace, love, understanding, good family, excellent school and notes, my friends etc. If I look in the past I can see many events that we mustn't forget. But, what will happens in the future? What will happens with me and with the people who I love? Simply, what will happens with the world after 10-15 years? Nobody can find an answer for that. The future for me is a long way that I must pass to accomplish my goal (my dream). I run, but I don't know which deaneries and challenges are hiding on each step. I run, and strong light attracts me. I try to catch it, but I can't. It disappears. I fill t he sun and the birth's songs. I saw a strange picture of a newborn town with wonderful shine. The people I that town have a smile on his face. They are very happy and satisfied. There aren't the old " contaminators of the air". The cars are replaced with fly cars. Suddenly the present flash like a tear flash

Kojcev Goran DSMU " D-r Jovan Kalauzi" Bitola

Reality. There, I would look my future, in my hope but even there I can't find it. Branchy between the past and the future, the present guides me to the truth, reality and the future. If we try to understand the mining of the future the present will stop, and life will flash in many directions. Humor and lought will be transformed in something opposite and the reality in a tempestuous laught. The enthusiasm encourage me trough the life. I thing that the future will be real wisdom. Because of that I want t o be here among the past and the future. The past is too overdue, the future too progressive. I want to stay in the present. On that way I will understand the life. The past is behind me, and the future in my eyes.

Kitanovska DSMU"D-r Jovan Kalauzi" Bitola



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