Project Aim

The project aims at contributing to the development of autonomous, moral and competent young people with democratic orientation who are capable to actively demonstrate application of universal values, human rights and democracy in local communities.

Target Group

Youth from five secondary schools in four towns in Macedonia: Bitola, Delchevo, Skopje and Tetovo

Project Partners


Project Lifespan

August – November 2007

Project Award

The project won First Prize (golden plaque) on the eLearning Awards 2007 organised by European Schoolnet, supported by 28 Ministries of Education, in the category "Future School Now".In this challenge competed 563 schools and training providers from EU/EEA countries, EU candidate countries, Switzerland, and Israel where they presented best practice examples in using technology when creating 21 century school. Partner organisations of European Schoolnet in organising of the competition were: Young Digital Planet, Intel, Interwrite Learning, Promethean, SMART Technologies, Apple, Michael, Adobe, Belgacom, Microsoft, SIVECO Romania, Telefónica O2 and UPC.