IMOR’s Mission is empowering people in the spirit of multicultural understanding and cooperation, civic society and democracy, and development of a positive environment in which are respected the rights of marginalised, discriminated and vulnerable groups, families and groups at risk and providing support in their integration into the society.

- To encourage and help the citizens of all collectives and communities in the country, the Balkans and internationally to work jointly on strengthening the human rights, democracy, multiethnic understanding and tolerance, cross-border collaboration and all other ways of cooperation between citizens.
- To encourage the youth from all countries to learn and cooperate using ICTs, to strengthen peace and to take an active place in solving global problems concerning the world.
- To develop friendly relationships between all nations based on the principle of equal rights and self-determination of people.
- To work independently and cooperate with other organisations and institutions on improving the life of members of marginalised groups and handicapped individuals, socially excluded or disadvantaged, victims of violence and other socially disadvantaged groups, in the country and abroad.
- To improve and encourage human rights and basic freedom for all, regardless of gender, rase, language, culture and religion and to encourage equality among people.
- To encourage and help the establishment of the bridge between education and the community, with an emphasis on the inclusion of all interested parties in the educational process.
- To support in inclusion of marginalised groups and handicapped individuals, socially excluded or disadvantaged, victims of violence and other socially disadvantaged groups in educational activities and project work.
- To help victims of domestic violence and support their integration in the community.
- To help protect citizens from addictions, delinquency, human trafficking and help them reintegrate into society.
- To undertake activities for the protection of the environment.
- To assist in the identification and sharing of diverse and complementary experiences from educational, academic and other national organisations supporting educational infrastructure and trends around the world.
- To share ICTs, educational methods and other resources with organisations, schools, communities or individuals who wish to achieve the goals of IMOR.
- To help create an infrastructure for an educational network open to all.
- To develop and maintain high quality educational innovation.
- To encourage the integration of ICTs in the daily educational process and the development of citizens in the purposeful use of new technologies.
- To assist in providing Internet access to marginalised groups, marginalized groups, disabled persons, socially excluded or disadvantaged, victims of violence and other socially disadvantaged groups.
Target Groups
The primary target group is youth. Other target groups are: minorities, handicapped, children, marginalised, victims of violence, unemployed, socially excluded, disadvantaged.