The association Interactive Education and Resource Network from Bitola – IMOR (Interaktivna Mreza za Obrazovanie i Resursi) is established in 2000 and ever since is successfully working on empowering of youth in the spirit of multicultural understanding and cooperation, civil society and democracy. IMOR is an organisation that operates on the principle from youth to youth. In other words, young people participate in the design of IMOR projects in which youth and youth leaders are main target group and ultimate users. In the period so far, IMOR has realised more than 40 projects in Macedonia, in the region and at the international level. Some of these projects are winners of international recognitions and international awards at prestigious competitions in competition with hundreds of international projects (Childnet Awards in London, Stockholm Challenge in Stockholm, Global Junior Challenge in Rome, European Schoolnet in Brussels).
As an organisation that mostly implements projects online since the beginning of its work, IMOR and its youth activists have recognised the problem of online security and other online threats for a long time already. Therefore, IMOR pays special attention in its work to this issue and is increasingly working on projects aimed at empowering youth for safe online work, dealing with and countering hate speech, violent extremism and radicalisation.

Also, financial literacy and financial inclusion, especially of the young population in Macedonia is an area of action of IMOR. IMOR is a member of the working group of the National Bank for implementation of the Strategy for Financial Education and Financial Inclusion of the Republic of North Macedonia, 2021-2025. Recognising the networking of organisations as one of the ways to encourage understanding and cooperation between youth and educators from all over the world, IMOR participates in establishing networks of organisations in Macedonia and beyond and is a member of such networks. It can be pointed out that IMOR is an equal-rights member of the international network iEARN ( in which educators and youth from more than 120 countries are cooperating aiming at making meaningful difference globally. Also, IMOR is one of the few organisations from Macedonia that are members of the Networking European Civic Education – NECE network.