
  • Over years, IMOR grew into a reputable capacity building provider recognised by institution and donor community. For example, IMOR was one of the biggest training providers for teacher training in Macedonia in the frame of the Education Modernisation Project, supported by World Bank and Ministry of Education and Science. All teacher in-service training programmes submitted by IMOR were accepted by the Commission of the Bureau for Development of Education. In the period November 2005 – November 2008 approximately 2000 teachers, pedagogues, physiologists and directors of primary and secondary schools went through IMOR’s in-service teacher training programmes.
  • IMOR was hired by CRS (Catholic Relief Services) in the frame of their project “School Connectivity” to train secondary school students and educators in the areas of on-line collaborative project work and project-based learning for the students.
  • IMOR is one of the NGOs involved in developing of the first National strategy for youth of Macedonia, in the frames of the project, Youth National Action Plan, supported by Institute for Sustainable Communities.