IMOR – Interactive Education and Resource Network

IMOR empowers Macedonian youth since 2000, fostering multicultural understanding, democracy, and civil society through impactful projects and partnerships.

About Us

The association Interactive Education and Resource Network from Bitola – IMOR (Interaktivna Mreza za Obrazovanie i Resursi) is established in 2000 and ever since is successfully working on empowering of youth in the spirit of multicultural understanding and cooperation, civil society and democracy. IMOR is an organisation that operates on the principle from youth to youth.


During its lifespan, IMOR implemented or was a partner in numerous activities, projects, interventions, actions, campaigns, conferences, events. Throughout its work, IMOR intensively networked with organisations, institutions, experts/consultants and donors.

IMOR – What we do





  • Digital Competences/Citizenship and Innovations
  • Empowering Youth
  • Management/Leadership
  • Project Work


IMOR’s projects have directly engaged over 4,000 young people and 150 educators, with outreach efforts impacting more than 15,000 individuals in local communities by the end of 2020. Additionally, the initiatives fostered enduring friendships among participants and inspired numerous follow-up projects, showcasing the lasting influence of IMOR’s activities.

IMOR - Impact

We designed and implemented projects that made difference

Global Impact, Lasting Change for Youth


Significant Projects

IMOR projects which had significant impact on youth, impact that lasted long after the project(s) end. 


more Projects

IMOR implemented or partnered more than 100 projects. Here are featured only selected projects listed in descending order.