
The impact of the projects IMOR implemented was recognised and rewarded on international project challenges

During its lifespan, IMOR implemented or was a partner in numerous activities, projects,
interventions, actions, campaigns, conferences, events. Throughout its work, IMOR intensively networked with organisations, institutions, experts/consultants and donors.

As a result, IMOR established a lot of partnerships with organisations, institutions, private sector, as well as, IMOR became part of formal networks.

Within the framework of projects that targeted youth, in the period until the end of 2020, more than 4000 young people and 150 educators were directly involved in the project activities.

IMOR - Awards

These projects outreached more than 15000 adults and youth in the local communities where project activities were taking place. Also, upon request of youth involved in projects activities, many follow-up projects were successfully initiated and implemented. Many of the young people involved in the project activities remained friends for a long time after completion of project(s).

The impact of the projects IMOR implemented was recognised and rewarded on international project challenges organised across Europe:

  • IMOR won First Prize (golden plaque) for the project Common Values organised by European Schoolnet, supported by 28 Ministries of Education, in the category “Future School Now”

In this challenge competed 563 schools and training providers from EU/EEA countries, EU candidate countries, Switzerland, and Israel where they presented best practice examples in using technology when creating 21 century school. Partner organisations of European Schoolnet in organising of the competition were: Young Digital Planet, Intel, Interwrite Learning, Promethean, SMART Technologies, Apple, Michael, Adobe, Belgacom, Microsoft, SIVECO
Romania, Telefónica O2 and UPC.

  • Project Youth Have a Say against Terrorism, won First Prize in the category “Youth on Age of 18” at international competition Global Junior Challenge, Rome in November 2004 competing with more than 600 projects from different continents.
  • Project Building Bridges over Borders by using ICT and Project Based Learning was:
  • Finalist (top 10 projects out of more than 350 international projects in the competition) in “Education” category at international competition Stockholm Challenge Awards, Stockholm in October 2002.
  • Finalist (top 10 projects) in the category “Youth on Age of 18” on international competition Global Junior Challenge, Rome in November 2002 competing with more than 400 projects from different continents.
  • Finalist (top 5 projects) in the category “New to the Net” at the international competition ChildNet Awards, London, December 2002, competing with more 150 international projects.