Award Winning projects
IMOR projects for youth recognised on the international arena
Common Values
Youth demonstrate application of universal values, human rights and democracy
Building Bridges over Borders by using ICT and Project-based Learning
Youth demonstrate how to bring adults together and that borders are crossable
significant projects
IMOR projects which had significant impact on youth, impact that lasted long after the project(s) end.
Implementation of the Strategy for Financial Education and Financial Inclusion of Macedonia, 2021-2025
Financial literacy for youth
Strengthening intercultural dialogue as a tool for youth-to-youth connection and good neighbourly relations in the region
Promoting intercultural dialogue as a mean of building good neighbourly relations, reconciliation and peace
No! to Оnline Violent Extremism and Radicalisation
Preventing online violent extremism and radicalisation and spreading messages of peace and understanding
Understanding and Appreciating Cultural Diversity – An Impetus for Cross-Cultural Cooperation for And by Youth
Raising understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity and traditions
Strengthening capacities of future teachers and other professionals working with children from multiethnic societies
Supporting children in multiethnic environments who have difficulties in acquiring the curriculum
MORE projects
IMOR implemented or partnered more than 100 projects. Here are featured only selected projects listed in descending order.
E-links –
Development possibilities for youth via introduction of e-learning platforms and collaboration opportunities
Voice of Youth against Violent Radicalisation and Extremism
Preventing violent extremism and radicalisation via equipping youth with countering skills.
Children in Action for a Cleaner Environment
Students create eco visual messages by using redundant and recycled materials
Spring Day for Europe 2007 – Schools Celebrating Europe
Contributing to the celebration of Spring Day for Europe 2007
Education Modernisation Project
Design and implementation of customised in-service teacher training programmes, large scale capacity building
Telecollaborative projects – opening new possibilities and widening perspectives
Implementation of telecollaborative activities in primary and secondary schools.
Information for Youth Empowerment, New Opportunities – Better Perspectives
Opening up perspectives for disadvantaged youth
Local Government in your Community
Youth learning about and working with local governments
Fostering Sustainable Reintegration in Albania, Kosovo Province and Macedonia by Engaging Capacities of Local NGOs in Providing Services to Returnees
Support sustainable reintegration of returnees to Macedonia
Information for Development – Linking and Empowering Balkan Youth
Building information management capacities of youth
New Education Possibilities – Better Perspectives
Teachers and students utilising ICTs appropriately
Youth for Preservation of Traditions and Creation of Future
Youth, cross-cultural learning, cherishing cultural traditions
Colours of the Rainbow in Bitola are Shining on You
Cross-cultural learning of local communities via hands-on joint activities
Youth Communicating and Networking on HIV/AIDS
Youth using ICTs to express their feelings and experiences on HIV/AIDS by making joint digital creations globally
Global Teenager Project
Youth cooperate globally by using ICTs and “learning circles” approach
School Connectivity Project
Youth, on-line collaborative project work, project-based learning
Large Socio-Economic Development Project (Component: Regional Development Plan)
Development of Regional Development Plan
Organisational Transformation of Bitola Municipality According to Citizens Demands
Development of Action Plan of Bitola Municipality
Transfrontier Cooperation in the Prespa/Ohrid Region in the NGO Sector
CSO from Macedonia, Albania and Greece work together
GEMS (Global Educational Model Schools)
Youth, on-line project work, Internet Education Centres
Kids Video Collaborate On-line – KVCO
Youth, on-line collaborative project work, exchanging of video materials